

heaven 2 Heaven is For Real is based on the book that was written from a child’s point of view, who claims that he has visited heaven. heaven The book was endearing and very interesting. It had a wonderful quality that made you truly consider Colton’s story. God’s love and home awaiting for those who believe shined in this book and made me excited for the movie.

The movie, of course, had a lot of hype surrounding it. Most “religious” movies do, like they are held to a different standard then others. The build-up was great and when movie day arrived I could not wait to see it.

The actors they chose to play the “characters” were good and likable. The movie stayed pretty true to the book as well. The movie had heart and was humorous at times.The only thing that seemed to get lost (for me of course) was that the movie became more about the dad, Todd, “believing” his son’s story than the actual story of visiting heaven. I wanted to see more of Colton’s take of heaven and not so much of his claim and the effects it had on his family.

All-in-all it still was a good movie. The special effects could have been a little more spectacular, it is heaven after all, lol, but still the point came across plainly.

I’m glad Colton’s story was told. I believe in heaven and a God who loves us. I believe he can do anything he desires, I will not limit him. He is limitless. I think if God want’s to take a little boy to heaven and him come back and turn the world on it’s ear to the message Colton is claiming, then so be it!

The book and the movie are definitely worth a read and then watch! I give the movie    3 1/2 * and one thumb. 🙂

You can own a copy of Heaven is For Real on DVD or Bluray

Heaven is For Real is written by Todd Burpo & Lynn Vincent